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Matcha vs Coffee: Shared Benefits & Nutrient Comparison

July 28, 2022

Coffee is one of the world’s most consumed beverages — and it is a morning favorite!

Matcha, on the other hand, is a type of Japanese green tea which has garnered a growing interest from fitness-minded folks. It is now even lauded as an alternative to coffee and has obviously a bright future ahead.

Both have a lot going for them and you may wonder how they even compare. So if you ever have been curious about their nutritional profiles and differences, here’s an article to help you get started.


Matcha vs Coffee


To be fair, both matcha and coffee boast a kick of energy from caffeine. Coffee, however, has more caffeine than matcha per serving. A ½ teaspoon of powdered matcha has only 25mg of caffeine versus the 90mg in an 8-ounce cup of brewed coffee.

On top of that, matcha is known to have a better “caffeine high” than coffee. Thanks to L-theanine, an amino acid found in matcha that puts you in a “calmed alertness” and gives you more sustained energy. It is said not to have the jittery side effects you get from the caffeine in coffee — no adrenal weirdness, no glucose spike and no crazy hungry pangs later.

In terms of calories, when prepared without added ingredients like milk, sugar, cream or flavored syrups, both matcha and coffee have minimal amounts of it. Coffee has 1kcal per 100g while matcha has 0kcal.

Taste wise and just to make a segue from their nutritional profile, if you love earthy or grassy flavor, matcha it is! But if you want to stick to the roasted and nutty flavor of coffee, you know what to do.


Shared Benefits

Despite being compared, coffee and matcha actually have many shared benefits. Here are 4 to list down a few.


1. Both may help you lose weight.


Caffeine , according to several studies, promotes weight loss by increasing your metabolic rate by up to 13 percent for 3 hours. Aside from caffeine, the chlorogenic acid (CGA) in coffee and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) have been also both studied as potential aid to weight loss by inhibiting the formation of fat in your body.


2. Both are loaded with anti-cancer antioxidants.


The EGCG found in matcha helps promote the death of cancerous cells and prevents the growth and spread of tumors. Meanwhile, the CGA in coffee suppresses tumor growth, protecting you against certain types of cancer like oral, esophageal, gastric, colorectal, and liver cancer.


3. Both may boost heart health.


Polyphenols — a group of antioxidants found in fruits, vegetables, tea and coffee — are known to reduce platelet aggregation and help prevent your arteries from clogging. Basically, this means a reduced risk of heart attack for you.


4. Both may enhance mood and brain function.


Caffeine does have its mood and cognitive perks. It acts as a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant which can help you feel more energetic, focused and productive. It also blocks the neurotransmitter adenosine’s receptor, increasing excitability in the brain. Nonetheless, if you are sensitive to caffeine or have certain mental health conditions, you may want to slow down on your consumption.



Before choosing one with the other, put your health needs in line and your taste preference.  Most importantly, if it’s not causing you any trouble, drink the one you enjoy most.


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