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Intermittent Fasting Goes Mainstream: Why It’s So Popular & What You Need To Know About It

May 6, 2023

Fasting is the abstinence of food, practiced in ancient times for religious and spiritual conventions. In the 15th century, it was indicated to people showing symptoms of specific health conditions, claiming that most of the illnesses that have afflicted mankind are dietary.

Decades later, its wonders became known to the world of weight loss and disease prevention, dominating not only traditions but also routines.

It has also evolved from a ritualistic exercise into an eating pattern that is targeted toward health and branched into several types to cater to different health needs.

Read on to find out more.


Prolonged fasting is out. Intermittent fasting is in.


The human body is thought to withstand extended periods of food deprivation. In fact, while you may think it’s not doable, the longest fast ever recorded lasted 382 days.

Often considered an extreme form of caloric restriction, prolonged fasting is an eating pattern that involves at least 2-3 days to a maximum of two weeks of fasting, limited only to the consumption of water or tea. As you may have guessed already, it is not recommended for starters.

On the other hand, intermittent fasting (IF) involves alternating between periods of eating and fasting, either executed within a day or every other day. That means you can practice it indefinitely, requiring less commitment than prolonged fasting.

Not surprisingly, the intermittent type is also more popular, especially for busy adults and parents.


Intermittent fasting methods


Like most types of fasting, IF requires time and commitment. With different levels of commitment come different schedules and levels of fasting. It all boils down to your lifestyle, goals, and preference.

Here are some of the most popular methods to help you get started:

  • The 16/8 method: Involves skipping breakfast and limiting eating periods to 8 hours. For example, eating between 1-9 PM and then fasting in between.
  • Eat-Stop-Eat: Fasting for 24 hours, once or twice a week. For instance, not eating after lunch until lunchtime the following day.
  • The 5/2 diet: Eating normally five days a week and consuming only 500–600 calories on two nonconsecutive days of the week.


Benefits of intermittent fasting


Hunger is not the best feeling in the world, so if you are not yet into the fasting trend, you may be halfhearted in starting this journey and wonder what the rage is all about.

If so, these incredible benefits of IF may just convince you.

1. It may help you lose fat and gain muscles.

Research shows intermittent fasting improves growth hormone secretion, which may be beneficial if you are trying to lose weight and gain muscles.


2. It may lower your risk of diabetes.

Fasting gives your body time to rest and allows levels of insulin to drop dramatically, reducing your risk of diabetes and also improving overall health.


3. It may help you live longer.

A 2021 study revealed that moderate intermittent fasting when combined with movement and stress management, reduces your risk of major age-related diseases such as neurodegenerative, cardiovascular, and immunological diseases.




A diet that requires you to restrict calories every few days can sound daunting, but this method allows you to eat what you want, when you want, while still losing weight and reaping several health benefits.

Browse our blog page for more health-related info to get you into wellness.

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