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Healthy & Kid-Friendly Snacks to Give to Your Little Ones

May 11, 2022

Kids love snacking in between meals.

For the most part, this is not a bad thing. It keeps their hunger at bay, allows them to stay focused at school and  energizes them for playtime.

For many kids, however, a snack is a bag of chips or cookies which are commonly loaded with added sugar, salt, refined flour and other artificial ingredients.

To make snacking your ally to smart parenting, here are 8 snacks for your kids that are not only tasty but also healthy.


1. Popcorn


Popcorn is one of the most healthful snack foods revered for its nutritional value.

Although often mislabeled as junk food, it is actually a whole grain food packed with vitamins and nutrients essential for your kids’ brain health, digestion and  immune function.

When air-popped and slightly seasoned, popcorn is minimally processed, has low calorie, and has more fiber content than most fruits and vegetables.

Nonetheless, popcorn can be a choking hazard so use with caution when offering to younger children.


2. Apple and peanut butter combo


You simply can’t go wrong in pairing apple slices with peanut butter. It’s a delicious combination loved by many picky eaters.

Not only is it tasty. When served together, it also offers a healthy balance of protein, good fats and fiber.

Research suggests that consuming fruits and nuts, like apples and peanut butter, can reduce inflammation and blood sugar levels, promotes healthy weight and supports heart and digestive health.


3. Yogurt


Yogurt is one of the few snack items children eat without putting up a fight.

Thankfully, according to experts, eating yogurt everyday is nothing to worry about as long as there is no milk allergy or lactose intolerance issue involved.

Getting a daily serving of dairy is important for children and yogurt can help meet this daily quota, plus all the extra nutrients including probiotics, protein and calcium.

Just ensure to opt for plain, full-fat Greek yogurt to avoid higher amounts of artificial sweeteners, fructose corn syrup sugar and other unhealthy additives.


4. Nuts


Nuts including almonds, cashews and macadamias are very rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber and healthy fats that are essential for children’s growth and development.

You can serve nuts as a standalone snack or use it to add crunch to other snack recipes.


5. Cottage cheese


Cottage cheese is a curd cheese with a fresh, creamy flavor and soft texture which is safe even for infants to eat.

It is a good source of calcium, vital for tooth and bone health in your children. In addition, it also has decent content of folate, vitamin B12, zinc and selenium.

Top it with chopped fruits or add a dash of cinnamon to take your cottage cheese to a more savory route.





Snacking helps kids fuel their body throughout the day and is also a great way to sneak in extra nutrients in their diet. A good rule of a thumb is to serve your kids with snacks that are  low in sugar and to avoid food items that are highly processed.

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