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5 Natural Pain Killers You Should Know About

November 20, 2022

Pain medications are now more often accessible than they used to be, and when experiencing discomfort — from toothache to back pain — we usually turn to them in a flash for relief. The thing about medications is their side effects, plus their high likelihood of misuse and possible adverse interaction with your maintenance medicine.

When the situation necessitates prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers, they can be generally beneficial. Nonetheless, getting the same relief from natural sources is also feasible.

Many herbs and spices have been prized for their ability to relieve inflammation and discomfort in history. These natural painkillers belong under the umbrella of alternative medicine, a field of practice that includes acupuncture, yoga, reiki, and other modalities.

Some words of caution, however, that just like prescription drugs, these natural remedies may also interfere with the medication you are taking, and experts are still bridging the research gap in proving their efficacy in the human body.

Further, supplements are not regulated for safety and quality by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the same way it does for medications.

Before purchasing any natural remedies, it is best to consult a doctor if you are experiencing pain or other chronic conditions.

Anyway, let’s get into the meat of this blog and hear what these five natural painkillers have in store for all types of body pain.


1. Turmeric


Turmeric is a common spice containing curcumin, a compound shown to help with inflammation, swelling and pain.

A 2016 study found that turmeric extract can reduce arthritis symptoms (mainly pain and inflammation-related symptoms) with similar improvements in symptoms as ibuprofen and diclofenac sodium. Unfortunately, many approved drugs for arthritis come with adverse effects and increased risks of gastrointestinal bleeding and allergic responses. Thus, herbal medicine is often recommended.

One article by the Indian Journal of Dental Research also supports the dental application of turmeric for dental problems such as pain and swelling.


2. Cloves


Due to the presence of eugenol, a natural anaesthetic found in various over-the-counter pain rubs, cloves are also frequently used as a pain reliever.

Historically, cloves are inserted into an infected tooth or cavity to treat toothache. One thing about eugenol is that it numbs the skin that it touches, providing immediate yet temporary relief.

An animal study has demonstrated that eugenol induces anaesthesia in rodents comparable to propofol, an intravenous anaesthetic used to generate and maintain general anaesthesia. But besides eugenol, other polar compounds in cloves have analgesic effects, making it a treasured natural pain remedy for centuries.


3. Boswellia


Boswellia, more popularly known as Indian frankincense, is an herbal extract from the Boswellia serrata tree.

In traditional Asian and African medicine, resin prepared from Boswellia extract has been used for millennia. It’s thought to address various medical conditions and chronic inflammatory diseases.

In a study of 48 patients with osteoarthritis, Boswellia serrata extract has been found to significantly improve patients’ physical function by alleviating pain and stiffness.

In addition, research has also demonstrated Boswellia to be safe and free from toxic side effects in higher doses.


4. Ginger


This spicy root is a mainstay of traditional medicine and is probably best recognized for its calming, stomach-soothing, anti-nausea effects. But ginger can also relieve discomfort, including period cramps and painful joints brought on by arthritis.

Ginger is said to inhibit prostaglandin, a compound formed at tissue injury or infection sites that causes pain and inflammation. This fundamental mechanism of ginger makes it a well-known DIY treatment for sickness, stomach pain, and other health problems.


5. Virgin Olive Oil


According to researchers, 3 1/2 tablespoons of the oil is equivalent to one 200-mg ibuprofen tablet. Ibuprofen is frequently used to reduce inflammation and pain. But if it’s used for longer than ten days, adverse effects may emerge.

Virgin olive oil might reduce the amount you need to take, but consult your doctor before making any changes to your medication routine.



It’s always good to have options available right in your kitchen. Still, managing pain often requires professional help. Remember that pain is our body’s messenger, telling us something is wrong with our body.

Never be reluctant to seek out a medical expert to determine the cause of your discomfort and go over the best treatment alternatives.

Make your diet your partner for a more holistic approach to addressing chronic pain. Contact us for hearty and healthy ready-made meals prepared by professional chefs and nutritionists.


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