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5 Apps You Can Install On Your Phone for Anxiety Relief

March 11, 2022

Is anxiety getting in your way?

Everyone feels anxious from time to time. It’s an extremely common yet nonetheless very disruptive experience. 

And while therapy with a professional is a huge help, having the right coping tools accessible directly on your hand is also pretty much a considerable add-on in between sessions.


Here are 5 of our favorite apps for anxiety that are practically life-changing.



1. Sanvello


  • Android Rating: 4.9/5.0
  • iPhone Rating: 4.8/5.0


Sanvello is a comprehensive app that uses principles of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to help with symptoms of stress, depression and anxiety. It offers features specific to your needs with exercises that include articles, videos, guided meditations and mood trackers. This app also allows you to connect with other users by posting, liking and chatting in their community message board. 

A 2019 research on this app has shown that participants who used the app for 1 month have demonstrated a significant reduction in depression, stress and anxiety and an increase in self-efficacy. 

No wonder why users are happy!



2. MindShift CBT 


  • Android Rating: 4.1/5.0
  • iPhone Rating: 4.8/5.0


Like Sanvello, this app is also based on the scientifically proven strategy of CBT. It provides information on common sources and symptoms of anxiety and has a checklist for users to identify the types of anxiety dominant to them.

It enables peer-to-peer support and also deals with anxiety-related issues like perfectionism, worry, panic and conflict.

In 2019, a study on this app showed that participants with 3 weeks of app use had reported reduction in somatic anxiety and depressive symptoms.



3. Calm


  • Android Rating: 4.6/5.0
  • iPhone Rating: 4.7/5.0


Calm is basically an app for mindful meditation. It is stacked with focused meditation programs, scenic photos and sleep stories that you can have unlimited access to after subscribing. 

One study has shown that using calm for 8 weeks can result in positive outcomes in stress, mindfulness and self-compassion.



4. Wysa


  • Android Rating: 4.9/5.0
  • iPhone Rating: 4.9/5.0


This mobile app is a game-changer.

It utilizes artificially intelligent (AI) chatbots that coaches users to better cope with daily stressors. You can either choose to vent to Wysa or complete other self-care activities. It is not only limited to anxiety relief but is also designed for depression, sleep, and issues facing the LGBTQ+ community. Aside from chatting with Wysa, users also have the option to connect with a licensed therapist through the app. 

It’s all and more that you need for better mental health.



5. Headspace


  • Android Rating: 4.6/5.0
  • iPhone Rating: 4.9/5.0


Generally, Headspace aims to improve mood and concentration, increase productivity and reduce anxiety. It is also a well-developed app that offers meditation programs for adults and children with evidence-based principles. Some of its additional features include meditation reminders and a timeline of your meditation practice so you stay motivated in your journey.

A study on women with breast cancer who are assigned to use Headspace reported higher quality of life compared to the control group. 

It’s one of the best you can get for anxiety reduction!




Although these technologies can help, it is never a replacement for professional counseling or therapy for more severe anxiety problems. Nevertheless, it could act as a supplementary or intermediate support system that is low-cost, handy and potentially effective.


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