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Easy Memory Tricks To Help Train Your Brain

Tag: sleep

Easy Memory Tricks To Help Train Your Brain

You know how we often say that kids pick things up like a sponge? They learn pretty fast just by observing, watching, and listening, which says a lot about their memory. Unfortunately, the handle we have on remembering starts declining after the age of 30—this is when we start forgetting the names of people we’ve known forever, have trouble remembering why we went from one room of the house to another, find ourselves struggling to recall the title of movies, books, anything… but it doesn’t have to be like that! In fact, there are ways to keep your brain on its (figurative) toes by retraining it to be as sharp and focused as it once was. It takes more effort as we grow older, but it’s not impossible.



  1. Sleep and naps? Your brain’s best friends.

It’s not a secret that sleep, specifically the transition from slow-wave sleep to REM sleep, helps transform and consolidate our memories for the day into knowledge: things that we can actually remember for the long term and call on later. This is why quality sleep is so important: it doesn’t just give your body the time it needs to recuperate, it also has a big impact on recall and memory. Unfortunately, as hard as we try, there are days we might not get enough sleep—but that’s what naps are for! A 90-minute nap, even a 30-minute one, can also assist with memory consolidation.


  1. You’ve read this before, but read it again: eat right.

You’ll always find this advice when it comes to taking care of your body, and for a good reason! Everything we eat can impact our overall health and the way we function, which is why making the right food choices is vital. And while you can’t rely on food alone, not when it comes to memory—you still need to exert some effort of course—eating something nutritious can certainly help! Here’s a nifty list to help you during your next supermarket trip.


  1. Don’t always give in to, “Let’s just Google it.”

We know, we know—why try to recall something you’ve forgotten when you can just pick up your phone or open a browser and rely on Google to do the heavy work for you? Here’s the reason: whenever we learn anything and then try to remember them later, we activate two areas of the brain that are involved with memory: the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex. Giving it enough exercise, like not relying on external resources to recall certain pieces of information, can train your brain and improve memory.



There are a ton of ways to ensure we stay focused even as we age, and it’s a matter of choosing a lifestyle that puts our health first. There’s some hard work involved of course, and a lot of effort from us to help ourselves maintain a sharp and active mind—but years down the road, when we’re wrinkled and faded, having an amazing recollection of a life well-lived will surely be a wonderful payoff.


4 Immunity Boosting Habits To Help You Stay Healthy

Most of us probably know at least one person who rarely gets sick. You’ll hear them feeling under the weather once in a while, but overall, they’re as healthy as a horse. What sets them apart from us mere mortals? Two words: immune system. But hey—good thing there are easy steps we can take to give our own immunity a boost. And while there are a ton of ways to do that, we’ve narrowed today’s list down to four basic things that will give you the best headstart there is!



1.Get enough quality sleep.

According to studies, sleep and immunity are correlated and affect one another—consistent and quality sleep can help strengthen the immune system by allowing effective and balanced function. In short, proper sleep provides the immune system with the support it needs so that it can do its job: defending the body from infection and disease.


  1. Exercise!

Did you know that chronic inflammation can affect the immune system by slowing it down? Thankfully, regular exercise reduces inflammation, according to a study, which can ultimately help the immune system function better. Exercise is also linked to the following: a reduction in stress hormones (with chronic stress having a significant effect on immunity by manifesting as an illness), and stronger antibodies that aid in fighting off infection.


  1. Eat right.

According to Harvard, there are no specific foods that can “prepare the body for microbial attacks and excess inflammation”,—but certain ‘dietary patterns’ may better prepare the body’s immune response to illnesses. And because our immune system relies on different micronutrients to function properly, it’s important to eat healthy and nutritious meals based on our individual needs. Some examples of nutrients that were found to be critical for both the growth and function of immune cells include the following: vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, selenium, iron, and protein.


  1. Minimize stress.

The stress hormone, called corticosteroid, can lower the number of lymphocytes in our body—that is, one of the main types of immune cells that help protect us from illnesses. This can make our immune system less effective, reducing our ability to fight off antigens and making us more prone to infections. Therefore, it’s important to find ways to manage stress. It can be through meditation, deep breathing, exercise (yes! Exercise again), and even counselling if it’s needed.



It’s worth noting that having a strong immune system can’t be achieved overnight. It’s all about dedication and consistency and a willingness to make the lifestyle change needed to become a better, healthier you. You can start slowly, taking small steps as you go, but the important thing here is to begin. Get into these good habits now and experience less instances of sickness for yourself!